Enum ALDistanceModel
Used by AL.DistanceModel(), the distance model can be retrieved by AL.Get() with ALGetInteger.DistanceModel
Namespace: OpenTK.Audio.OpenAL
Assembly: OpenTK.dll
public enum ALDistanceModel
Name | Description |
ExponentDistance | AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE extension. |
ExponentDistanceClamped | AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE extension. |
InverseDistance | InverseDistance is equivalent to the IASIG I3DL2 model with the exception that ALSourcef.ReferenceDistance does not imply any clamping. |
InverseDistanceClamped | InverseDistanceClamped is the IASIG I3DL2 model, with ALSourcef.ReferenceDistance indicating both the reference distance and the distance below which gain will be clamped. |
LinearDistance | AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE extension. |
LinearDistanceClamped | AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE extension. |
None | Bypasses all distance attenuation calculation for all Sources. |